New Project Chassis (page 9)



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The build of the car is now dragging on. It has been in the garage nearly three years and at times it is difficult to get motivated. But I have to keep going and get it finished. I think everybody goes through this stage when building a car.

More panelling.

Panel with curved edges.

This picture shows a small storage area.

This panel has neat curved edges so it fits into the tubes.

Template for rear bulkhead.
Rear bulkhead panel.

I require a removable panel behind the seats so I can access the dampers and suspension. This is the template. I clamped straight edges behind the template and cut holes in the card so I could clamp the card flat. This ensures the template is flat.

This is the finished panel in aluminium. The holes are for Dzus fasteners. The aluminium is 1.5mm thick.


Rear shelf.

Rear shelf in detail.

This panel fills in the space between the rear parcel shelf and the rear panel.

It also incorporates a lip for the rear panel to seal against. Note how it is neatly cut to fit around the Dzus backing plates.

Rear inner wing dirt sheild.

Panel around the steering column in the passenger compartment.
This panel is to prevent too much dirt and water thrown up by the wheel going onto the wishbones and chassis. It is removable.
This panel will be rivetted into position but the hole allows access to the steering UJ. It will covered with a bolt in panel. Rivnuts will be used to fix captive threads.
Panelling the pedal box.

Templates for the pedal box panel.
The panelling of the pedal box took a lot of thought. There was no obvious chassis tubes to mount the panels to and I had to ensure clearance for all the pedals.
The template for the main panel was very complicated and took two days to make. I made several templates to ensure the panel would be correct.



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New project title page